Archive for February 28, 2012


First Flash Thompson Venom I have seen! Nice!







Can proudly say this. Anon hate just isn’t the way I roll.

I am being 100% honest.

The “closest” I ever did was give a ramble on depression.

Once I gave anon honest criticism, but then I was called a troll…

I reblog people and tell them why they suck instead. 

 I just can’t imagine bothering to do that. I don’t get that passive-aggressive/boost in ego that some get by doing it. It’s just odd.

I’ve sent TONS of anon love and ego boosts to folks. It’s fun having them almost beg to reveal yourself.

I honestly don’t understand why people hate in such a cowardly manner, or why people hate at all. Everyone has their opinions. Why can’t we all just be civil about disagreeing with each other as opposed to being such ruthless bastards about it? It honestly baffles me!

Reblog this if you want someone to put a fictional character you remind them of in your inbox.



by shiko aka derbyblue (brasil)

This is just amazing!!


What are your top beauty tips?

Start out perfect and don’t change a thing. Always accentuate your best features by pointing at them. And conceal your flaws by sucker punching anyone who has the audacity to mention them.


The Oracle

by Marta Dahlig aka black eri