Archive for February 14, 2012




Doctor Who rewritten – After series 6, the Eleventh Doctor figures out a way to heal Donna Noble’s whole meta-crisis memory problem and teleports her aboard the TARDIS, during her (second) wedding reception.

Donna: Who are you?!
Doctor: Ah ha, it worked!
Donna: Where am I?!
Doctor: Donna Noble, welcome back home.
Donna: What the hell is this place?!
Doctor: Oi, I forgot how loud you could yell.
Donna: Oi! Don’t you go oi-ing me. Standing there, like some smug know-it-all idiot, when it looks like you played dress-up in your granddad’s clothes. An interesting choice for a bridenapper – a bow tie. Especially one who’s – what are you, seventeen? This a new reality show? Britain’s Next Top Kidnapper?  Well, I’m not interested, thank you. So, you can wipe that ridiculous smirk off your face and turn the TARDIS around right now, Spacema – oh my god, oh my god. The TARDIS. I’m inside the TARDIS. Oh my god. And that must mean…you…
Doctor: ‘Ello!
Donna: …Doctor?!
Doctor: Who else? Like the new look? Bear in mind, that I happen to think you look lovely. All ginger and…radiant, just as a bride should be. Or wait, is it pregnant women who they say look radiant? Whomever “they” are. Anyway, like I said, welcome back Don – ooow, why are you slapping me?!

This would totally work for me.

Bring it. My body is ready.

1. Who was your first kiss and what was it like?
2. Are you in a relationship? If so, are you happy?
3. Do you have a crush?
4. Who is your crush?
5. Are you a virgin?
6. What do you think of Valentine’s Day?
7. Who is your Valentine?
8. Have you ever asked anyone out?
9. Who is your celebrity crush?
10. Has anyone ever asked you out and you turned them down?
11. Do you think anyone has a crush on you right now?
12. What is your favorite thing to do on Valentine’s Day?
13. What’s the best Valentine’s Day that you’ve had so far?
14. What’s your idea of a perfect date?
15. How do you know when you’re in love?
16. Have you ever loved someone on a romantic level?
17. Do you prefer more or less clingy relationships?
18. Do you feel like you’re loved on an everyday basis?
19. Are you usually the first person to make a move.
20. Have you ever asked someone out and they turned you down?
21. Do you feel like you’re the dumpee or dumper most of the time?
22. What’s your “type”?
23. What are some of your favorite physical characteristics for your crush to have?
24. Are you a hopeless romantic?
25. Do you think that you’re a good kisser?
26. What’s the farthest that you’ve ever gone?
27. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
28. Have you ever been someone’s secret admirer?
29. Do you have romantic fantasies? If so, what are they like and who is in them?
30. What’s something that always turns you on?

Seal – Secret (Feat. Heidi Klum) (Official Music Video) (by SealOfficial)

For my love!! I belong to you!!


Click here for the coolest blog you will EVER follow



Real or not, whatever this is, this is a beautiful speech. 



What is your renegade Time Lord name?

The Wonder

You are known to be magical, you can bring miracles to those in need. You do what is right at any cost.

what’s yours?

I am happy with this actually, this is good. It’s not the best test but it’s better then those ones that just ask for your name.

I am also The Wonder. Coolness!!

Sarah Vaughan – That’s All (by Sagradocorazon2)

This about sums up how I feel today! She knows who she is and that I love her more than I can ever say.


Here’s a simple way to show you love your Library this Valentine’s Day… reblog our love-infused logo!